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- Parts of the electric bass.
- The Bass amp.
- Tuning.
- Playing positions.
- Musical symbols
- Right-hand technique
- Pick style
- Left-hand technique
- Open string exercises
- The rake
- Notes on the strings
- Sharp and flat notes
- The finger roll
- The 12-bar blues
- The octave
- Quarter, half and whole notes.
- Ties
- Dotted half note
- 4/4 & 3/4 times
- Rests
- Eight notes
- The metronome
- Shifting through the positions
- The box shape
- Tablatures
- The major scale
- Key signatures
- Syncopated eight notes
- The major triad
- The minor scale
- Relative major and minor
- Modulation
- Minor triads.
- Eight-note triplets
- 12/8 time
- The shuffle rhythm
- The chromatic walkup
- Stacatto
- Sixteenth notes
- Syncopation
- Seventh Chords
- Slides
- Minor pentatonic scale
- Hammer-ons & pull-offs
- Major pentatonic
- Inversions
- Using triads to create bass lines
- The slap, the pop and the mute
- Bass Guitar Fx
- Composing
- Recording in a studio
- Playing live

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